Thursday, November 15, 2012

Boiler owners asvised to get their boilers registered

by Haryananewswire
Haryana Industries and Commerce Department has advised the boiler owners to get their boilers registered as their registration and inspection are mandatory under the Boilers Act, 1923 before putting them in operation.
          While stating this here today, a spokesman of the Department said that it would be the sole responsibility of the boiler owner to run the boiler after getting it registered, inspected and certified by the Boiler Inspectorate or authorized inspecting authority as per the provisions of the Boilers Act. Only those boilers will be registered and certified which are manufactured as per the Indian Boilers Regulations, 1950. In case of any mishappening or accident, the boiler owners or users will be responsible and they will be prosecuted under the provisions of the Boilers Act, 1923.
          He said that under the same Act, boiler meant a pressure vessel in which steam is generated for use, external to itself by application of heat which is wholly or partly under pressure when steam is shut off. But it does not include a pressure vessel with capacity less than 25 litres; with less than one kilogram per centimeter square design gauge pressure and working gauge pressure or in which water is heated below 100 degree centigrade.

1 comment:

albina N muro said...

Haryana Industries and Commerce Department has advised the boiler owners to get their boilers registered as their registration and inspection are mandatory under the Boilers Act, 1923 before putting them in operation. replacment boilers Birmingham